Class UserTableView


public class UserTableView extends Object
The class represents a user and is needed when wanting to store a user in an observable.
  • Field Details

    • username

      private username
      All the attributes a user can have.
    • email

      private email
      All the attributes a user can have.
    • firstName

      private firstName
      All the attributes a user can have.
    • lastName

      private lastName
      All the attributes a user can have.
    • street

      private street
      All the attributes a user can have.
    • houseNo

      private houseNo
      All the attributes a user can have.
    • gender

      private gender
      All the attributes a user can have.
    • zipCode

      private zipCode
    • birthDate

      private birthDate
    • insuranceName

      private insuranceName
    • privateInsurance

      private privateInsurance
    • password

      private password
  • Constructor Details

    • UserTableView

      public UserTableView(String username, String email, String firstName, String lastName, String birthDate, String gender, String street, String houseNo, String zipCode, String insuranceName, Boolean privateInsurance, String password)
      Construtor for initalizing all the values of a user.
      username - the username of the logged in user that is set.
      email - the email of the logged in user that is set.
      firstName - the first name of the logged in user that is set.
      lastName - the last name of the logged in user that is set.
      birthDate - the birthday of the logged in user that is set.
      gender - the gender of the logged in user that is set.
      street - the street of the logged in user that is set.
      houseNo - the houseNo of the logged in user that is set.
      zipCode - the zip code of the logged in user that is set.
      insuranceName - the insurance name of the logged in user that is set.
      privateInsurance - the insurance type of the logged in user that is set.
      password - the hashed password of the logged in user that is set.
  • Method Details

    • setUsername

      public void setUsername(String username)
      set the value of the private attribute username.
      username - the username of a user.
    • setEmail

      public void setEmail(String email)
      set the value of the private attribute email.
      email - the email address of a user.
    • setFirstName

      public void setFirstName(String firstName)
      set the value of the private attribute firstName.
      firstName - the first name of a user.
    • setLastName

      public void setLastName(String lastName)
      set the value of the private attribute lastName.
      lastName - the last name of a user.
    • setBirthDate

      public void setBirthDate(String birthDate)
      set the value of the private attribute birthDate.
      birthDate - the birthday of a user.
    • setGender

      public void setGender(String gender)
      set the value of the private attribute gender.
      gender - the users gender.
    • setStreet

      public void setStreet(String street)
      set the value of the private attribute street.
      street - the street the user lives in.
    • setHouseNo

      public void setHouseNo(String houseNo)
      set the value of the private attribute houseNo.
      houseNo - the house number of the users home.
    • setZipCode

      public void setZipCode(String zipCode)
      set the value of the private attribute zipCode.
      zipCode - the zip code of the users home.
    • setInsuranceName

      public void setInsuranceName(String insuranceName)
      set the value of the private attribute insuranceName.
      insuranceName - the insurance of the user.
    • setPrivateInsurance

      public void setPrivateInsurance(Boolean privateInsurance)
      set the value of the private attribute privateInsurance.
      privateInsurance - the users insurance type.
    • setPassword

      public void setPassword(String password) throws SQLException
      set the value of the private attribute password.
      password - the users password in plain-text.
    • getUsername

      public String getUsername()
      Returns the username of a user.
      The username as a String.
    • getEmail

      public String getEmail()
      Returns the E-mail of a user.
      The E-mail as a String.
    • getFirstName

      public String getFirstName()
      Returns the first name of a user.
      The first name as a String.
    • getLastName

      public String getLastName()
      Returns the last name of a user.
      The last name as a String.
    • getBirthDate

      public String getBirthDate()
      Returns the birthday of a user.
      The birthday as a String.
    • getGender

      public String getGender()
      Returns the gender of a user.
      The gender as a String.
    • getStreet

      public String getStreet()
      Returns the street where a user lives.
      The street as a String.
    • getHouseNo

      public String getHouseNo()
      Returns the house no. of a users home.
      The house no. as a String.
    • getZipCode

      public String getZipCode()
      Returns the zip code of a users home.
      The zip code as a String.
    • getInsuranceName

      public String getInsuranceName()
      Returns the insurance name of a user.
      The insurance name as a String.
    • getPrivateInsurance

      public Boolean getPrivateInsurance()
      Returns the insurance type of a user.
      The insurance type as a Boolean (false = public, true = private).
    • getPassword

      public String getPassword()
      Returns the hashed password of a user.
      The password as a String.