All Classes and Interfaces
Used to represent the user admin for the Session he is logged in
Controller class for admin-view.fxml.
Represents an appointment with all the attributes.
Class for dynamically adding the doctor information when they are in the set search distance
Class which contains loads all the founds doctors based on the search distance
Class for loading the health information
Class for storing the creation progress of an Appointment by the user.
Class which manages the appointment data
Class for manager an ready made appointment
Class for managing the appointment shifting
Method for loading the user information for the appointment creation
Class for creating a PDF document.
Class for for database communication (reading and writing data)
Represents the Doctor and his attributes
Class used to represent a time slot (for whatever doctor that is currently shown in the UI)
Class for file save dialogs.
manages all the found doctors of a distance search
Class for managing the full view of a selected doctor
Implemented by every entity that has an address.
Represents the health information of a user
managed the deleting and creation of the user health information
Health information in a stored in an observable format
Controller for manging the first/"main" scene
Used to manage the primary scene
Method for managing the Registration of a new user
Manager for ReminderTasks (using java.util.TimerTask)
Sets up reminders on application start.
An object of this class represents a task to send a reminder mail at a certain point in the future.
Enumeration of all possible reminder times for an appointment.
Class to manage a Session of a logged-in user/admin.
represents the specializations of a doctor
The class represents a user and his attributes
The class represents a user and is needed when wanting to store a user in an observable.